Onderon was first mentioned by C2-D4, way back when Shadow of Revan launched. And Onslaught is no exception, as it brought Onderon and Mek-Sha into the SWTOR galaxy. Somehow since Ossus (and arguably even KotFE/KotET) Bioware’s world-building has taken a huge step forward.
Since the introduction of Ossus and Dantooine, I hoped that SWTOR would continue their amazing development of new planets. Although it’s been a good number of months since the expansion launched, here at last is my Onslaught review! Onslaught is only the first “chapter” in the conflict and brings with it two new, explorable “planets” (though one is actually in a meteor). From patch 6.0, the early signs from Jedi Under Siege explode into full space and ground combat with a renewed war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic.